How Ceraspace makes community management easier

Ceraspace centralizes your information about your members and helps you communicate with them in an efficient, secure, and personal way. Unlike spreadsheets and random apps, Ceraspace is built specifically for ceramics studios. 
Ceraspace enables three main activities:

1) Managing member information: Keep a record of all your members, old and new, with shelf assignments and useful/fun information about them. 
2) Managing a waitlist: It’s no fun waiting, but Ceraspace can make this a fun & engaging experience. Keep potential members seamlessly updated on your studio & their status. 
3) Communicating efficiently & personally with your community: Gmail & Mailchimp were not made for communities. Ceraspace provides templates, but lets you personalize your communication - both automated and one-to-one.

How to sign up

Any ceramics studio is welcomed to try the app. You can sign up your studio here.

How to import your current members

Add your members by clicking “Add a new member” from the Dashboard, or “Add member” from the Members screen.
If you have a lot of current members to add, try the “Bulk upload” feature. This feature will prompt you to download a .csv file, into which you can paste and format your member list, and then upload to Ceraspace. If you are having trouble with formatting, email and we will help you out.

Adding a new member

After clicking “Add a new member”, you’ll be taken to a screen to fill out that member’s information. Some of that information is mandatory, like their name & email, and the rest is optional. The optional information, like Birthday, Skill Level, and Shelf, can help you use Ceraspace to manage your studio more automatically.
The next screen focuses on your member’s contractual or billing details. Each studio is different - many memberships are ongoing, but some have formal end dates. Filling out as much as you can here will help Ceraspace manage your membership contract cycles, and help you forecast your revenue.

Managing your waitlist

Managing your waitlist actively makes prospective members into key parts of your community, too.
Add a person to your waitlist from the Dashboard, or by clicking “Add person to waitlist” from the Waitlist screen. 
When you click to add a person to your waitlist, a new “slot” will open up in the waitlist list below the current-lowest entry. Click your cursor into the blank line, and fill out their information. On the left, you can enter their position on the waitlist - most often one more than the last person.
Click the “Save” disk icon to save the entry.You can edit your waitlist by clicking the three-dot menu to the right of each entry. You can move people up and down your waitlist, remove from from your waitlist, or (happy day!) start the process of converting them to an active member.

Exporting your data

To export your member or waitlist information, click the “Export” button on the top-left of the member or waitlist information panel on their respective screen.

Communicating With Your Community

You can send an email to your members, waitlist, or anyone at all. There are a few major advantages of sending communication from Ceraspace instead of an email provider like Gmail:
Email address management means you never have to copy-paste members addresses from somewhere else
Email templates mean you are never re-writing your common messages
Edit-ability means you can edit your templates for one message, without changing them long-term
A forever record of your membership, made easily accessible, means you will never forget old Members and can always be in touch with anyone from your community, past or present. 

Sending an email

You can send emails from your Dashboard, Members, and Waitlist screens. When you click the Send an Email button, the email modal will pop up. 
In the case of sending from the Members or Waitlist screens, you can select which members or waitlistees you want to send to with the checkboxes next to their names.

Sending an email to one person or a group of people

If you want to email all your Members, click the “Select All” button and look for the blue checks to appear next to every Members’ name. Then click “Draft Email” and select a template, or write something all your own. 
If you want to email a single Member or subset of your Membership, simply click the selection box next to those Member(s) name(s).

Email content

From the email modal, there is a dropdown for template emails. Once selected, you can modify these templates however you want. They are a starting point to make your life easier. You can also modify the email subject line.

Who do the emails come from?

Emails sent from Ceraspace will be delivered from the email address The signature of each email will be your studio name and information. 

If a user replies to the email, it will go straight to your inbox. 

How to use Ceraspace to nurture your community

Ceraspace includes a number of features to help you make your community feel more like home. You’ll receive reminders of members’ birthdays, and can add fun / interesting facts about them so all your team can get to know them better.
Ceraspace makes communicating with your members more efficient, so you can do it more often. Getting in the habit of logging in to Ceraspace and communicating at the push of a button will help members hear from you more and feel more involved.

Working with your team

Your team is all employees, managers, and other helpers in your community who will have a log in to your Ceraspace app. Access your team either from the Dashboard, or by clicking “Account” and then “Team.” You can invite new team members here. They will receive an email with instructions to sign up. There is only one team owner, but all team members have equal access to the account and can see all the information. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please get in touch!: